Sunday, June 30, 2013

Shared Psychic Energy

      I'm not real sure if it's really called "shared psychic energy" or not. See? I don't know everything. Far from it. But this happens between Aunt Belle and me frequently. It got to the point where she and I were asked to please sit on opposite sides of any circle we were participating in. Seems our merged energy really messes things up for the medium(s) conducting the circle.
Friday, we had a small Psychic Development Class: Floyd, Amanda, Angela and me. Angela and I usually sit beside each other on her couch. Floyd takes the love seat on our left, and Amanda prefers the floor. We chat a while, have class, and usually meditate. When we come back into the physical, we write down what we experienced, then share that with each other.
Angela and I have known for quite a while now that we have this psychic connection. As part of their homework a few months ago, I asked everyone to try to message me telepathically at a certain time on a certain subject. I received all the messages both times we did that, except once from Angela. Turned out she forgot to do her homework that time.
I even had what I believe is confirmation of how strong the connection is between us from the reading I had with John Cappello last month.
"You have a daughter, don't you?" he asked. "Someone who's also a writer."
"Actually, I only have two sons," I told him.
"But there's someone who is like a daughter to you, as close as a daughter."
I knew it had to be either Angela or Amanda. I'm close to both of them, but I believe he was picking up on Angela. The connection I have with her isn't nearly as strong (yet) as the one I have with Aunt Belle. However, it's definitely there and growing.
Today, we started relating what we'd experienced during our meditation. When it came Angela's turn ….
"I didn't get far," she said. "I kept being interrupted, hearing my daughter."
Her daughter had been a little bit perturbed when Angela asked her to go into her room while we did our meditation. She was rather vocal about it, also, but the rest of us were pretty much able to ignore her. She's too cute to be mad at!
Angela went on, "I ended up taking the path to try to get into my meditation, but it wasn't real successful. However, there were lots of figures around. People-shaped figures, some wearing capes. A whole bunch of them. It was like before we closed the portal and I'd come in here and find dozens of ghosts in my living room."
I waited to see if she was finished, and she said, "There were clouds around me, too."
This time, she indicated she was done, and I silently mused a bit about how her meditation was very similar to mine. I, too, use a path when I want to go into a deep meditation. I walk through the woods and up an arched bridge over a babbling brook. At the top of the bridge arch, I usually stay a while. Then I go on out of the woods, across a flower-filled meadow, and up the stairs to the gold building where the spirits are waiting for me.
I looked at my notes and told the class, "I had some trouble at first, too. A little of it was Angela's daughter, but some of it was stress. I've had a lot this week with hub's illness. At first, all I got were these purple clouds around me."
Angela gasped, and I looked at her.
"That's the same color clouds I was getting."
I nodded and went on, "I finally took the path, too, and stopped on top of the bridge arch. I really didn't want to leave it, but I finally did. After I got through the meadow and up the steps, I saw a doorway ahead of me, a brightly-lit doorway in the area around me."
"I forgot," Angela said. "I saw that, too."
"I tried to get to it, walking slowly, but it kept receding and finally disappeared."
Angela shook her head, indicating that's what she was seeing in her meditation.
"There was a huge angel at first, a white angel. Then I started getting all these figures around me. People shaped, dark and light. Some in capes. Dozens of them." I stared over at Angela. "Just like you were seeing. You know what? From now on we're going to have to separate when we meditate. One of us will go across the room and sit in that chair over there."
Everyone laughed, but their expressions showed they were a tad impressed at how our meditations had mirrored each others.

The book on the blogs, Living with Dead Folks, Volume I, is coming together. Angela has a fantastic idea for a cover, and we'll get the "shoot" done on that hopefully next week. I plan to have the book up before the middle of July. Working hard!
T. M.

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