Sunday, October 6, 2013

FenCon with Angela and Friends

This weekend, Angela and I roomed together at FenCon in Dallas. We snuck off and left the men and kiddos behind. Our friend Amanda is here with her daughter, and also Carl, another friend from our critique group. Floyd and Sarah, more members of SRT, are taking care of the kiddos who couldn't be left at home, and they couldn't be in safer or better hands. I've never seen two people who love children more than them. So everyone from SRT is here, except Timmy, our Equipment Tech, who lives in a different town than we all do.
Last year, I had a blast here with Amanda, and I also ended up with a great story for my annual Halloween tale: Dragon's Dishonor. When various artistic types get together, there seems to be a lot of creative energy in the air. I was carrying a tablet (a paper one, y'know, one of those old-fashioned things I grew up writing on?). I kept pulling it out to jot down new ideas for the story all weekend. By the time I got home, the tale was ready to be written.
It doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes, the story drags out so slowly, it seems like it will never get down on paper. I remember writing To All a Good Night. It actually went along really well for an entire two pages … then halted as though I'd hit a brick wall. Even brainstorming with my critique group didn't help. But the next year, as I was thinking up an idea for my annual Christmas story, guess what popped up? Yep, To All a Good Night, and the story flowed easily to the end. Crazy how we artists work, huh?
This year, I'm going to end up with a great idea for my 2013 Christmas story. I've already got several pages of notes on it. That's why I love this con. The creativity showers all of us. Floyd was jotting down a new song when I went in a while ago.
Angela brought some of her art work, and we had a table for a couple hours to give folks a chance to buy some fantastic photos. I had a few books available, but mostly we are letting people know what a great digital designer Angela is. People who end up getting her to do something for them are so lucky. Lucky me!
Here we are at our table. The gorgeous tiger print on the left is Angela's work:
      Here Angela is in the costume she put together.

This is Angela, Amanda, and her daughter at the costume contest and hootenanny:
And yes, we had a couple paranormal incidents. Together, Angela and I are almost as attractive to the ghosts and spirits as Aunt Belle and I are. Since this is getting long, I'll tell y'all about those next week.
In the meantime, Monsters Among Us is selling pretty good out there. Thanks to all of you readers who enjoy my stories. The url's for buy-links are in the special blog I did on Tuesday past, and I apologize to my Sony e-book readers. They are still dragging butt getting it available <sigh>. Hope the rest of y'all are enjoying it!
I've been glimpsing my ghosts here at the house quite frequently the past few days. Natch! The Veil is thinning and will be nearly transparent by Halloween/Samhain. Stay safe but enjoy!
T. M.

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