Sunday, July 14, 2013

Danged Merc Retro

I don't keep track of when Mercury goes retrograde. Shoot, I don't need to. Hub calls it Simmons Luck, rather than Murphy's Law. I don't want to call down more problems on me by railing at the Universe. Still, a major computer problem that puts you three days behind schedule is no fun. And it's still ongoing.
There are good things involved, though. Normally we don't mess with extended warranties — except on high-dollar electronic and vehicles. So eventually, we'll get tech support to get off its butt and fix or replace hub's laptop.
As I mentioned on Facebook, I had some dental work done Saturday, so I'm running late on the blog due to that, also. Mostly, however, because of the darned computer problems. I did have my guides and angels with me at the dentist's office. They got me in to see the dentist when I asked them to, and stayed with me during the work. Sure was nice to have their support and protection. I hope they stay with me until I get this blog done through the pain meds. If you find a problem, forgive me.
It's been a pretty quiet paranormal week around here anyway. At least, in the house. We did a cemetery investigation Tuesday night, and had a nice chat with some friendly ghosts. Cottonwood was a new place for most of our group, although Timmy and I had been there before. When Timmy and I were there, though, there wasn't a ring of eyes staring back at us when we shone our flashlights around! Darned cows. But it was rather cute, also. I've got my notes in the file for the next volume.
The only other paranormal incident I had that's worth recording was during our Psychic Development Class at Angela's on Friday. We did a soul travel meditation at the end of class. I didn't have any trouble separating from my physical body, and it's so much fun roaming around. Who should meet me right outside Angela's house, though, other than Alan. It's really the clearest I've seen him, although he was a little misty. All in all, he was a full-bodied apparition, however. He took my hand and said: Let's travel around together for a while.
I thought I might enjoy that, so we did for about a minute or two. Then we both decided we wanted to fly around separately, and parted with best wishes for a pleasant meditation/trip. It did turn out to be that.
I've been trying to get back to Silent Prey. That book's demanding to be written. Then I woke up the other morning with a fantastic idea for my annual Halloween story. There's a monster slayer, a couple demons…. I've already got a couple chapters done. It's flowing well.
Angela's looking around for time to do my new cover for Living with Dead Folks. We hope to get it up sometime next week. If anyone has any extra time around they want to get rid of, I'll take it! Seems like I only have 24 hours, like everyone else, in my days.
I'm leaving the two books free for the Smashwords promotion the entire month of July. I'll repeat the url's here, if you want to go get one. You just use the code SSW100 at checkout and you'll have a free copy.
It's rather hot in Texas to hunt right now, at least outside. However, we've got a couple things we're looking at. Plus there's no way I'll miss The Conjuring on Friday. I can't think of anyone I admire more than Lorraine Warren. Y'all go see it. It's supposed to be better than the hatchet job they did on Amityville.
Happy hunting, and….
T. M.

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